syyslomaviikko // autumn holiday

(In English below.)

Mentiin lapsen kanssa bussilla mummolaan, katseltiin sumumaisemia ja aamuvaloa. Perillä kierrettiin kaikki kirppikset, löysin mitä etsinkin: kaksi jakkua, neljä euroa. On käyty muillakin kirppiksillä, kahdessa muussakin kaupungissa, silloin satoi ja oli ankeampi lokakuu. Löydetty kasa kirjoja, tauluja seinille, kaikkea mitä en muista. Kyläilty mun tädillä, viimeksi varmaan kaksi vuotta sitten, jotenkin jaksan olla sosiaalisempi kun en ole sitä somessa.

Lomanloppuviikonloppuna suunniteltu kurpitsajuhlat ensi viikolle, ostettu ostokset, kaiverrettu viiden kilon kurpitsa ja syöty keitto, käyty salilla ja syöty creme brulee -suklaata, katsottu öisin hieno La Fôret kun lapsi nukkuu, kaikkea melko sopivassa epätasapainossa siis.

Olen paljon paremmin omassa itsessäni ilman puhelinta ja somesovelluksia. Joskus mietin, että millainenhan olisin nyt, jos en koskaan olisi alkanut edes bloggaamaan, silloin vuonna 2005.


We went to granny's by bus on Monday, watched the foggy morning unfold outside the bus windows, saw the light become brighter. Once there we did a round of all the flea markets and found what we were looking for; two blazers for me, four euros. We've been to other flea markets in other towns as well this week, those days were muddier and rainier and more Octoberish. Bought a stack of books, small paintings, can't remember everything. Visited my aunt too, for the first time in two years; I find myself having more of a social being within me than before, without social media.

Ending the holidays with a weekend of party planning, grocery shopping, carving a 5 kilo pumpkin and making soup, going to the gym and eating creme brulée flavored chocolate, long hot baths, and watching La Fôret at night when the girl's asleep. All sorts of things in a perfect imbalance, that's us.

I feel like I inhabit myself more fully without a phone and social media. Sometimes I wonder what I would be like now if I hadn't started blogging all those years ago, back in 2005.  

Sweet Pumpkin Soup:

around 2 kg pumpkin
pinch of salt
150g soft cheese
300ml cream
pinch of cinnamon
pinch of cayenne pepper
salt to taste

Place chopped pumpkin in a kettle and cover with water. Throw in a pinch of salt and bring to boil. Cook until pumpkin is soft enough to be puréed, then pour water out and purée pumpkin.

Throw in the cheese and mix with a spoon until it melts. Pour in cream and add spices. Once you're ready to serve, put the kettle back on the stove for a little while and heat the soup up.


  1. I love pumpkin soup, it is so comforting. But I you hadn't start blogging back in those days, I guess it could be more difficult to return to the-before-excessive-socialmedia use. Sometimes my blog and in general those old stories of ten years ago, (when we didn't had smartphones) is my reset. I re-read how I lived my life back then and it gives me a kind of baseline to return to. You know those days when evenings were filled with knitting, reading and talking to each other(abd a little blogreading or writing on the laptop)

    1. That is so true, Sandra! After reading your comment, I instantly went back to see what I did in 2009, and 2012, and so on. It's definitely a mindset shift for looking at our daily lives today, and comparing to back then.


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