a good friday

Lapsi vietti aamun majassa, jonka eilen rakensin. Mies pesi paljun putipuhtaaksi ja paistoi makkaraa. Minä laitoin lounaaksi pestolohta, parsaa ja tomaatti-mozzarellasalaattia, sitten puhuin neljä tuntia puhelimessa ystävän kanssa. Illalla koristeltiin muutama oksa omaksi iloksi, ja syötiin melkein loppuun eilen leivottu juustokakku. Oli eriskummallisen hidas ja hyvä päivä.


A spent the morning in the den I made for her yesterday. O washed our wooden hot tub, then barbecued dinner. I made salmon, asparagus, and a mozzarella tomato salad for lunch, then talked on the phone with a friend for four hours. In the evening we almost finished the cheesecake me and A baked yesterday. It was an oddly good Friday.


  1. As always I love your pics! These little blogs about how a day was spent make me go back ten years in time, when blogs were mostly online diairies. Have a good weekend!

    1. Oh thank you! I’ve been thinking exactly the same, about online diaries I mean. I enjoyed keeping one so much, so why not now?

      Have a lovely weekend too!


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