huvila tai huussi

Alkaa olla takkuista löytää omasta kodista kiinnostavaa luettavaa, eikä viikkoja sitten netistä tilatut kirjat ole vieläkään tulleet.

Mies selittää visailu- ja kisailuohjelmista kiinnostuneelle lapselle vanhempien toivesarjan ideaa: ”Ensin ne tässä rakentaa, ja lopussa arvuutellaan tuliko huvila vai huussi.”

Tällä logiikalla sanoisin, että vaikka meillä yläkerta alkaakin olla jo huvilaa lähellä, niin kellari on vielä totaalihuussi.


It’s starting to be hard to find interesting reading on my own bookshelves, and the books I bought online weeks ago have yet to arrive.

O explains to our daughter, who’s into all kinds of game shows, the basic idea of our favorite cabin renovation series to convince her to watch it with us: “First they do all the building, then the judges will decide whether it’s a villa or just an outhouse.”

Using this logic, I’d say the outcome of our own renovation so far is that the upstairs is beginning to look like a villa but the basement is still totally just a loo.


  1. But you don't live in the basement, so who cares. Renovation take time, lot os time.

    1. Oh I know it takes time — we have been renovating since 2012.

      The basement is actually supposed to be livable space. We already have our bathroom there, but there’s going to be a utility room, a guest room, and an office in there as well. Right now we really could use an office, with all three of us working at home, but we’re making do with the kitchen table and the two bedrooms we have.

  2. I feel you. We luckily have one room as office space, here R does all his conference calls four days a week, but I also have a son working from home, online lifestylecoach, working from his bedroom, my oldes daughter doing her thesis in her bedroom and T my youngest doing her schoolwork in her bedroom or in the livingroom and me escaping three days of week to go to work. I know the whole situation is necessary but sometimes it feels a bit much.

    1. I totally get why it feels too much sometimes! Even our home feels crowded some days, and there's only three of us here! I hope you're all well and staying sane!


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