pääsiäinen /// easter

Lauantaina oli täydellinen virpomasää, täällä suuri virpomasuru kun ei saanut mennä. Muutama koristeltu oksa vietiin mummolle, sitten käytiin kaupassa ensimmäistä kertaa viikkoihin, se oli eksoottisista. Illalla poltettiin joulukuusi ja perunakellari, lämmitettiin lankalauantain saunaksi saunan puutteessa palju. Puhuttiin paljon siitä, minkälainen sauna pihalle olisi helppoa ja halpaa rakentaa.

Sunnuntaina satoi lunta ja räntää vaakatasossa, maanantaina lumi muuttui pehmeämmäksi, se tippuu taivaalta hiljakseen. Ei yhtään houkuttele ulos, ollaan luettu, pelattu, syöty, oltu myös onnellisia internetistä. Toteutin yhden kokkaushaaveistani ja paistoin sunnuntaina lounaaksi kokonaisen kanan, jota riitti maanantaillekin. Lapsi haluaa huomauttaa, ettei se ollut kokonainen, koska sillä ei ollut päätä.

PS. tämä!


The weather was pure spring perfection on Saturday, we decorated some willow branches and took a couple to gran’s back door. Then we went to the supermarket for the first time in weeks, it was positively absurd and some kind of exotic. In the evening bonfire we burnt our Christmas tree, which has become our Easter tradition, and some old shelves from what is to be our pantry in the basement some time soon I hope. We bathed in the wooden hot tub and discussed saunas, a sauna is an Easter tradition in here and we lack one. We’ll be building one in our garden once we figure out the easiest and cheapest option to do it.

Sunday was snow and slush and all kinds of icky outdoors. The snow softened on Monday, falling gently from the sky, but not really tempting us outside. We read, played games, ate a lot, and were happy to have access to the internet. I made one of my cooking dreams come true on Sunday, and cooked a whole chicken in the oven with some lemon and thyme. My daughter would like to point out it was not a whole chicken though, because it didn’t have a head. That makes a huge difference when you’re small, I guess.

PS. this!


  1. And I guess if the chicken still had a head she would say it looked disgusting....

    1. I’m pretty sure she would have said exactly that. We don’t eat a lot of meat, but when we do, I try to keep it real... :D


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